Want 50 custom content ideas?
Join the Content Generator Challenge!
A 5-day challenge to amp up your content ideas and inspiration.
Content creation a slog?
Ready to put out content that will give your audience what they're looking for, position you as the expert, and build an engaged audience? Join me for the Content Generator Challenge!
What's Included?
This is a LIVE challenge - you'll get the most from it if you can show up and be engaged in the group and on the live calls.
5 Daily Prompts
Every morning you'll get an email with a short video prompt. These prompts will guide you through generating your 50 content ideas.
Facebook Community
The best way to build connections with other attendees, bounce ideas off each other, and come up with even MORE content ideas!
Live Q&As
Every night at 8:30 pm ET, I'll be going live to answer your questions, and help you brainstorm content ideas for your unique business and audience!
BINGO Prizes!
Daily BINGO drawings with prizes - including a drawing entry for a grand prize scholarship to Club Content Batching if you fill your card every day!
Content Generator
A 5-day challenge to amp up your content ideas and inspiration.
Kayla K.
"These are so wonderful! Thoroughly enjoyed these prompt exercises and learned more about myself, my business, and my audience in the process."
Dana E.
"Having the prompts really got me thinking outside my usual ideas. It's helpful to have someone provide the spark that gets my ideas bursting; frees up my creative energy to go farther than it normally would."
Disclaimer: Simply knowing all of the strategies and tips is not enough to make a business work. You've got to put in the work and effort. I do not make any guarantee as to the results, including financial or other person gains, for completing these trainings. Joining this challenge means you agree that you are solely responsible for your results.
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